Balloons and the environment

March 2020 has been the strangest of months, The shop was earily quiet for 2 weeks and then the Coronovirus affected us all. Government guidelines told all non essential business to close and everyone should stay home to stop the spread. So we did. The first few days were a bit of a novelty with sleeping in, late nights and no work. It wasn't long however before the reality of the situation hit. No work means no income. How will we pay our bills at home and at work. I decided that I couldn't spend this time just sitting about, worrying and doing the odd bit of housework. So I decided that this was a rare opportunity to learn new skills , work on the mechanics of my business and prepare for the future. I started by learning the technique which allowed me to make the rainbow above. I made this to show my support for all of the key workers who were selflessly working so that we can all be safe. Not having my full balloon kit at home provided a few problems. However I got there and placed this outside my home. The reaction has been amazing. In my home town I have had around 1000 likes on social media, people stopping to take pictures, neighbours thanking me for brightening their day and key workers loving my rainbow and showing my support. Qualatex, manufacturers of the very best balloons, quickly arranged a virtual balloon convention with instructors from all over the world. It ran for 5 straight days and nights. It was jam packed and full of information. I will be working on my skills, new ideas and getting ready for when lock-down is over. Stay safe, Stay positive and I will see you for all your celebrations on the other side,