Dundee University asked us to create a welcome sign and backdrop for photos .
We loved making this huge gingerbread house for Storehouse church. Kirkintillock for their annual Winter Wonderland. It made a fantastic phot backdrop for the 1,500 + visitors this year
Big Balloon Build, Gilford, December 2023
Powerball, Old Billingsgate, London November 2023
Lake Geneva Big Balloon Build
Click to see what we made
We visited the charity Inspired Coffee
We met Inspirational trainees at Inspired Coffeee
Bunny Burrow
Boy Bunny on a waterslide
Cat Fishing
Owls bird watching
a mouse in his toadstool house
Pandas in their RV
Dogs waterskiing with a speed boat
frogs sun bathing
Racoons Camping
Just making hunny
queen bee
Giant snails
Racoon handgliding off a giant butterfly
Jacqui Young, owner of Classic Touch Balloons, Wishaw, Was the only Scottish artist chosen from hundreds of professional applicants to help create the very first Big Balloon Build in the USA.
Carefully constructing a giant replica of the giant board game Candy Land using 125,000 balloon was anything but child’s play.
Coatbridge’s Jacqui Young was one of 65 balloon artists from around the world to take part in the first Big Balloon Build outside the UK.
Jacqui’s first Big Balloon build was in December 2021 in Birmingham which was the first build outside of the director Stuart Davies home country of Wales. Her team leader there was Liz Romani from Valley Party in Vincennes, Indiana who was the host for Candyland in April.
Local businesses provided the balloon artists with meals during their entire stay which was very much appreciated by all of the participants.
Jacqui has been decorating venues for every celebration you can think of for over 35 years, but building a giant forest as part of a life-sized board game was a whole new challenge.
Once completed The Big Balloon Build was gifted to the charity United Way of Knox County in Indiana where it raised more than $180, 000 for over 30 charities in the community.
After a fundraising evening the display was open to the public. On the first day the doors had to stay open three hours longer than scheduled to try and accommodate the long line-up.
The giant ice cream cones and colossal cotton candy clouds were made possible when Hasbro Inc granted Stuart Davies permission to use its trademark game, as did Hershey’s chocolate. It marked the first time anyone had tried to make a oversized board game out of balloons. Stuart Davies said “You will literally be one of the pieces in the board game itself……talk about a real-life Jumanji!”
Jacqui was on team Plumpy. They created the gingerbread plum trees where Plumpy was the caretaker. She worked alongside artists for the USA, Canada, England and the Cayman Islands.
I was delighted to be part of The Big Balloon Build in Birmingham. In December 2021 50 balloon artists from all across the world took part in this amazing and unique build. Using 125.000 balloons we created stunning scenes for The Nutcracker. Below are images of what we managed to create in just 3 days.
The first scene of the Nutcracker takes place in the ballroom
Here we have the castle
The forest/ battle scene
The Toy room
the train
Ice cream sundaes, Nut crackers and rat soldiers to welcome guests to the show
Our are nutcrackers ready for the show
The Lost in Music Christmas party 2021, Santa and snowman arch over the dj booth to add some festive cheer
Lost in Music 3ft personalised star for all the guests at the party to have their photo taken with